Our LUX FLORAL bouquets are perfect for any occasion, who doesn't love a beautifully handcrafted arrangment and ethically sourced from our local florist supply. Flowers are a beautiful way of saying " I love you", " Thinking of you", " Thank you!" " Your friendship is everything" and on and on. Our LUX FLORAL Collection is an elevated selection of florals for those wanting a little more variety in their bouquets. They come in sizes Petite , Grand and Élevé. Depending on the season your flowers may change, however we'll always feature a lush variety of show stoppers (roses, peonies, ranunculus, anemones or gerber daisies), elegant fillers (Spray Roses, Lisianthus, Scabiosas, Mumms,Thistle etc.) and spill (Eucalyptus, Olive, Willow, Cedar etc.). *This bouquet is wrapped in Parisian flair of kraft paper and twine with a personalized tag. ( all bouquets are places in their corresponding vases).