Our wildflower bouquet is perfect for any occasion, who doesn't love a beautifully handcrafted arrangment and ethically sourced from our local florist supply.
Flowers are a beautiful way of saying " I love you", " Thinking of you", " Than you!" " Your friendship is everything" and on and on.
Our Wildflower Collection is an afforadable arrangment in sizes small, medium and large.
Depending on the season your flowers may change, however we'll always feature a show stopper (roses, peonies, tulips, or gerber daisies), a wild filler (Lisianthus, Scabiosas, Mumms,Thistle etc.) and spill (Eucalyptus, Olive, Willow, Cedar etc.).
*This bouquet is wrapped in Parisian flair of kraft paper and twine with a personalized tag.
MEDIUM | Wildflower Paper Bouquet